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#AISearchAssistant | #AIPoweredCare

How much does it cost?
FREE for members

Who can be a Member ?
- Patients
- Any user interested in Wellness Information with text, image, and video
- Any user interested in AI source verified Wellness information

What do I get? an AI SearchAssistant
- goSearch - Discovers Source Verified Wellness Information, and Services...
- my Interests/Categories - Select multiple Items
- my Interests/ZipCodes - Select multiple Zip codes

How do I explore what I need?
- Type in: DryEye 94024 Eyemed
- OR go to SearchAssistant - set your Interests List (e.g. categories, Zips) to: Eye Healths, Accepting EyeMed in 94024 and 94022, Community Wellness Cards Migraine, Backache, Stroke. goSearch!